Drupal Console and CentOS

URL: https://github.com/hechoendrupal/DrupalConsole/issues/1842#issuecomment-214076492

It seems that submitting a comment is trivial, but the thread discusses an issue where Drupal Console runs into Segmentation Fault on CentOS, particularly in Bluehost services. The amount of relief that the resolution is reachable is immeasurable. To repeat:

In /usr/lib/php.ini, comment out the following line


The running the following line works with output shown:

$ ./drupal.phar init --override
Copied files
User home path: /home/holingpo/.console/
1 - aliases.yml
2 - chain/create-data.yml
3 - chain/form-sample.yml
4 - chain/quick-start-db-env.yml
5 - chain/quick-start-db.yml
6 - chain/quick-start.yml
7 - chain/sample.yml
8 - chain/site-drop-restore.yml
9 - chain/site-install.yml
10 - chain/update-gitbook.yml
11 - commands.yml
12 - config.yml
13 - phpcheck.yml
14 - router.php
15 - site.mode.yml
16 - sites/sample.yml

Bash or Zsh: Add this line to your shell configuration file:

source "$HOME/.console/console.rc" 2>/dev/null

Fish: Create a symbolic link
ln -s ~/.console/drupal.fish ~/.config/fish/completions/drupal.fish

The full thread of the discussion is available via URL at beginning of this post.

Written on April 24, 2016